York RI: Support through dark days

To introduce our new website, we are running a series of blog posts from our players exploring what being part of York RI Women’s Rugby means to them. Utility forward Jamie Harris discusses how the team has supported her through some of the hardest times in her life.

My rugby journey started when I got manhandled into playing in university some *cough* 15 years ago… yes it makes me feel old!

In school I was so anti sport and anything fitness related that even my mum was shocked when I told her I had started playing rugby. Thankfully she was supportive even through the bruises and she even once joined me for a rugby tour. Word for the wise, don’t ever take your mum on tour - I’ll never live that one down.

I continued playing for a few different clubs across for the following years. Rugby clubs always contain amazing people. We are definitely one of a kind!

Two years ago I received some devastating news. My mum, the woman I had looked up to my whole life, fell extremely ill. I dropped the life I had built up in Stoke and moved to York about 2 years ago to become her full time carer. I hadn’t lived here since I was a teenager and caring meant I had little time to meet anyone new.

Having played for a few different teams I know rugby is the perfect place to meet new friends and have fun at the same time, so I decided to join York RI for a training session. That session still sticks in my head even to this day, the smiling faces and the friendly reception by everyone. It ended with me being harangued into playing a match that very weekend (thanks Jules!) and I’ve never looked back.

Even as my mum began to fall more and more ill, rugby was my go to place - it helped give me a shining light and something to look forward to each and every week. Having left so much when I moved, through York RI I met a whole new family and friends. I even ended up moving in with two of the girls! What can I say - I can never get away from rugby.

Unfortunately my mum passed away half way through my first season with RI. Those were some of the toughest days of my life.

I hate to sound cheesy when I say this but I can honestly say this and mean it. Rugby and York RI saved my life. It brought me a meaning and something to live for when I didn’t want to get out of bed. There were many dark days but my rugby family came to the rescue and supported me by giving me a reason to live and for that I will always be thankful. They saw me through some of the darkest times of my life.

I’ve had to step away slightly this season – a job promotion has seen me working away for most of the week. But despite the miles I have to travel, I make sure my weekends are always free to get on the pitch with the RI.

Rugby is my passion, and it has saved my life. I will shout this from the rooftops for all to hear.

In memory of Melanie Toyne, 1965 - 2021


York RI: Included, encouraged and supported


York RI: More than just a game